

High-speed coastal sea passenger transportations in Israel

The offer to the investment in the Project.

The state Israel the country with the well advanced network of highways. In Israel present "boom" of development railway transport is observed.

However, state Israel - sole country in Mediterranean at all which is not using coastal kinds of the transport traffic, and first of all passenger transportations.

Before it was explained by hydro meteorological features of the sea in a coastal strip of the country. There is about coast of Israel the excitement has a constant direction to board of courts, followings along coastal line...

But today there is a real technical decision of this problem, the construction of new types of courts is mastered, which operation allows to forget about exhausting rocking.

The project is developed with the purpose of realization of linear passenger transportations and tourist travels along coast of Israel with demonstration historical and archeologist of sights of the country, by steam-ships steady against onboard excitement …

The coastal feature of Israel has significant extent. In 6 seaside cities are constructed sail courts station - Marines with a good infrastructure. Marines conveniently located, correspond to the requirements of safety, are beautiful, and are supplied with all necessary: by electricity, fresh water, refueling stations. Here there are bars and restaurants. As the rule, in everyone Marine is present parking for a private vehicle, and the routes of urban public transport run nearby. In many seaside cities are historical and archeologist objects representing the large appeal to development of tourism.

The technical decision. A choice such as a vessel.

1.The choice such as the steam-ship is based on study of long-term experience of the European countries of the Baltic and Mediterranean pools, and also Australia New Zealand and other countries of Pacific Ocean. Type of steam-ships "Catamaran", Length -24 m., Width -6 m., Capacity of the passengers -150 members., Speed of a course of -25 knots, (about 50 km / hours), 2 main engines, total power of 1500 Kw., Draft-1, 5 m;

The choice of the sizes of the steam-ship is dictated by existing conditions:
For the approach of a vessel to moorings used for landing - transplanting of the passengers, standing in not working hours, in working Marines is used small water area with characteristic for them by restrictions in an opportunity maneuvers for greater on the sizes of vessels;
-Depth of waterways on an entrance;
-The steam-ship, examined by us, differs by the perfect maneuverability allowing to work on limited water are of Marines.
-The steam-ships correspond to all international sea conventions connected to passenger transportations, and observance of the ecological requirements.

Advantages of the project:

The project is a little expense, with maximal use of an existing infrastructure.

-The submitted project is the first stage, which will cause intensive development of an infrastructure in Marines of 6 cities accompanying business: sea tourism, souvenirs of trade, bars, restaurants, etc. that will allow creating hundreds new workplaces.
-The project is approved by the ministry of transport of Israel and there is a list of conditions for its realization.
-The project provides operation 5 of steam-ships.
-The project is coordinated with all 6 Marines of Israel.

Capital investments and ransoming.

-The necessary capital investments in the project make of 10 millions US dollars.
-Ransoming of the project within 3-4 years.

An opportunity of minimization of losses of the project.

-99 % of the investments are intended for purchase (construction) of courts. In view of high popularity of courts of such class, their realization is not a difficult problem.
Building cost of courts of this type for last 3 years has increased with 1, 2 millions dollars up to 1,8 millions dollars.
-Thus, in case of occurrence furs-major of circumstances which are not promoting successful progress of the project, the investments, in him enclosed, are completely returned with the minimal losses.

The investment offer:

[l] We are ready to consider the investment offers in the given project, from the private investors or financial groups.
If you are interested in complete or partial financing of the project, contact to us please, to the address: papaship@mail.ru or on the phone: (972) -52-8850-361
For the persons interested in investment of the project, detailed information and the accounts will be given on inquiry.

Yours faithfully, Yuri Goldman (Dedov).
The Author of the project,
Deep Sea Captain, engineer - economist.

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