

of economic efficiency operation
a passenger-vessel by type of catamaran.

Table of sea-distances in the Israel.

  Ashkelon - 11 26 31 73 78
  Ashdod 11 - 15 20 62 67
  Tel-Aviv 26 15 - 5 47 52
  Herzlia 31 20 5 - 42 47
  Haifa 73 62 47 42 - 5
  Akko 78 67 52 47 5 -
    Ashkelon Ashdod Tel-Aviv Herzlia Haifa Akko

The fare on the train.

  Ashkelon - 11 26 34 52 61
  Ashdod 11 - 20 27 45 54
  Tel-Aviv 26 20 - 9 31 42
  Herzlia 34 27 9 - 29 39
  Haifa 52 45 31 29 - 16
  Akko 61 54 42 39 16 -
    Ashkelon Ashdod Tel-Aviv Herzlia Haifa Akko

The fare on the sea.

  Ashkelon - 11 27 31 73 78
  Ashdod 11 - 15 20 62 67
  Tel-Aviv 26 15 - 5 47 52
  Herzlia 31 20 5 - 42 47
  Haifa 73 62 47 42 - 5
  Akko 78 67 52 47 5 -
    Ashkelon Ashdod Tel-Aviv Herzlia Haifa Akko

Operating expenses.

The cost of fuel, supplies, and port charges.

Class of expenditures. Amount Comments
Total cost of fuel. 171879 Diesel 500$, 24 work/days
Watter 3650
Maintenance (supplies) 10000
  Port charges (Ashkelon) 37520 88$ per sq/meter of deck x 7




Crew, wages of the crew.

Post (Rank) Monthly salary Quantity Total
Captain (Master) 15000 1 15000
Chief mate 10000 1 10000
Chief Engineer 12000 1 12000
2-th Engineer 9000 1 9000
Boatswain 7000 1 7000
Sailor - Steward 6000 4 24000
Crew payroll for 1 month 77000
Social payments +30% 23100
Total: 100100

Staffing and office workers their wages.

Post (Rank) Monthly salary Quantity Total
General manager 30000 1 30000
Assistant Director-General 20000 1 20000
Secretary 8000 1 8000
Telephonist - Manager 5000 3 15000
Cashiers 4000 6 24000
Monthly payroll office 97000
Social payments +30% 29100
Total: 126100
To calculate the profitability of a ship the amount of divide into 3 42033

Total payroll employees


Other expenses.

Office 10000 Taxes + Rental




Annual inspection of Register




Amortization of accumulation


Divided by 15 years




Total Expenditures.

Total operating costs:


Anticipated profit.

Passengers 150
Projected 50% 75
4 flights per day x 75 persons 300 persons.
The cost of transportation for 1 mile 1 NIS.
The length of the route 78
Revenue per day( + VAT) 23400

Monthly income (excluding VAT)


Income (monthly).

Expected income 484138
Costs 406798

Profit without tax









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